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BizSmart SAT is based on INNOVIS' BizSmart™ workflow management system and utilizes the technology of satellite communications. BizSmart SAT, based on BizSmart™ bpm software, allows the execution of tasks and process steps anywhere in the world, irrespectively of the communications device the task assignee has access to. The system allows the corporate or organization user to have access to the task-list allocated to him/her and perform a set of functions relative to a specific process, according to the communications device he has access to. In cases where the user is not able or does not want to carry a PC, a less, but still substantial, part of his/her tasks will be performed with the help of BizSmart SAT through a specific character-based interaction language and satellite communications. BizSmart SAT is targeted in the market of  maritime companies, construction companies, logistics companies, disaster relief agencies, as well as non profit organizations.


Basic Features of BizSmart SAT

  • Easy imprinting and complex workflow automation
    BizSmart SAT, based on BizSmart™ bpm software,  allows the electronic imprinting of business processes and the interconnection of existing hierarchy schemas and jobtitles within the organization, with the steps of a process, through a graphical user interface. Moreover, as a result of the interconnection of worksteps, jobtitles and variables, BizSmart SAT, developed on top of the industry leading suite of business process management, BizSmart™, supports the automatic generation of forms, with the help of which, the information needed for the execution of tasks is forwarded to the next participant.
  • Effective management and execution of processes
    With the help of BizSmart SAT, an automatic catalog of tasks (worklist) is created for each employee involved in the process; every employee is constantly able to be updated about the tasks that he is responsible for. It is worth mentioning that tasks are assigned each time to the most appropriate human resource, based on their availability. This is a clever and efficient tool to use, and combined with a solid office network and broadband connection, could be the key to improving efficiency by a significant amount. By allocating the right amount of work to the right person, nothing is wasted, especially the most important office resource next to capital; time.
  • Process execution from multiple geographic locations
    BizSmart SAT, implemented on top of the industry leading suite of business process management BizSmart™, allows the automated execution of processes in the context of an enterprise whose activities are spread in multiple geographic locations. Users of BizSmart SAT services can be located anywhere on Earth, with the only condition being the presence of satellite communications or another type of connection.
  • Satellite Communications Utilization
    BizSmart SAT, utilizing the most appropriate satellite communications service provider that is available in the area, allows organizations to communicate more effectively with their distanced employees / customers / partners. In specific, BizSmart SAT allows the corporate or organization user to make use of satellite communications in areas where there is no access to any means of communication; or in areas where the available communication networks, are not reliable or they are too expensive.
  • Status monitoring and efficiency assessment of processes
    With the help of BizSmart SAT, we are able to have an overall picture about the assigned tasks and the course for their completion. We also have the opportunity to use statistical analyses for the assessment of processes (information about the actions of each employee, average time spent on specific worksteps, etc), as well as easy to use and comprehensible graphics and text reports.
  • Enterprise Application Integration functionality
    BizSmart SAT includes the Enterprise Application Integration functionality of BizSmart™ workflow management system. BizSmart™ workflow management system is a tool used for the exchange, transformation, and control of data between databases and heterogeneous applications. BizSmart SAT, based on BizSmart™ bpm software, standardizes and facilitates the exchange of data and provides management of and real-time visibility into business processes across companies and across interactions with remotely operated systems.
  • Crisis Management
    BizSmart SAT, based on BizSmart™ bpm software, is the ideal information system for effective crisis management. Even in cases where local telecommunication networks are destroyed, with the help of BizSmart SAT, an organization is able to use an alternative communications network, able to support the regular execution of processes, workflow automation, as well as its sound operation.
  • Flexible pricing schema
    BizSmart SAT, designed upon the pioneering suite of business process management BizSmart™, offers various options for flexible pricing. The system is designed and developed in such a way so as to cover specialized business needs and therefore, pricing is adjusted according to the range of services needed by customers.

Example of a typical workflow automation case

A typical process which can be implemented with the help of BizSmart SAT through the use of satellite communications and devices is the “procurement process” in a maritime company. Based on this particular process, every authorized user is able to procure a product or service. The captain sends a message to the company’s headquarters with a procurement application. The financial manager examines the procurement application and in case he approves it, he has to come in contact with three different suppliers. Next, all proposals are examined and according to the most favorable one, the procurement is executed.


More examples of workflow automation cases that can be implemented with the help of BizSmart SAT are the following:

- Regular reporting on vessel position – for maritime companies

- Vessel maintenance process – for maritime companies

- Patient admission in hospital – for health insurance companies

- Procurement process from the worksite – for construction companies

- Proposals for changes on construction plans – for construction companies.


BizSmart SAT, based on BizSmart™ workflow management system, was implemented on the account of European Space Agency (ESA) in the context of the ESA Telecom Start-up Projects Initiative...


Link to ESA latest press release about BizSmart SAT...


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